Something is amiss in the land of Blogger.
I do not see a title bar. Will this post even go through? Is this all for not? Probs.
So just to catch you all up who are possibly still following this blog: I'm doing medium-sized things!
I have a 27th birthday coming up. I was laid off earlier this year and in an effort to not go literally insane with the frenetic idleness of it all, I'm trying to make strides of my own. I applied for a grant for a documentary, I started the first chapter of 'my first book' (WEIRD), I started the first step in a very funny little booklet I'm making, and I sent in my radio show pitch (fingers crossed please).
All of these things feel like...well...hi it's about time! But I think that very idea is what has continuously stalled me to this day: the idea that I 'missed the boat'.
However, I was listening to This American Life the other day (of course) and there was a story a man was telling about his parents that had been recently laid off. He went to visit them shortly after and he had audio of his mother's answer when he asked the inevitble: Now what?
"Well, I always wanted to do a book on the unseen rooms at Versailles."
This was a woman who had for many, many years, been a sales associate at a jewelry retailer in the local mall. What creativity! What balls, really is the first thing I thought.
...after I stopped crying, that is.
I won't say that this immediately inspired me to light the fire and take on the world. I have super intrusive and gripping issues with self-actualizing, going after what I want without fear, and just generally knowing what that even is. But I think for the time being this woman is serving as a little nugget of proof that my current idea that it's 'too late', or that I look foolish taking on such projects that ought to have been explored at a younger age, is just wrong.
Says who!? Well. Says me.
But I can say other things! And today I say TODAY is a fine day to try.
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